Pacific Center Speakers Bureau Frequently Asked Questions And Suggested Responses Set E


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Pacific Center Speakers Bureau Frequently Asked Questions And Suggested Responses Set E


LGBTQ+ discrimination
LGBTQ+ phobia
LGBTQ+ people


Suggested Responses to Frequently Asked Questions by the Pacific Centre Speakers Bureau.
Page 1: Sexual Questions. 1. What do you do!? 2. Are you the man or the woman when you're having sex? Stereotype Questions 3. Aren't all faggots hairdressers who cross-dress - and don't all dykes drive trucks and wear men's clothes? 4. Aren't homos just people trapped in the wrong body - men who want to be women and women who want to be men?
Page 2: Aren't queers all into kinky sex stuff, like S-M, water sports, scat, fist-fucking, etc.? Unnatural/illness Questions. 6. Isn't homosexuality an unnatural act - if everybody did it, there'd be no more reproduction - humanity would die out. 7. But isn't homosexuality a sickness - and can't it be cured?
Page 3: Homosexuality and Children Questions. 8. Don't homosexuals molest - or at least recruit - children? 9. Won't exposing children to queers make them queer, too?
Medical Questions. 10. What about all of these 'gay' diseases attacking the gay community - don't you think God is punishing you all for your lifestyle?
Page 4: Legal Questions. 11. Why do homosexuals want special rights and ordinances to give them special privileges that heterosexuals don't have - there' s no such thing as an Irish rights ordinance!? 12. Why shouldn't homosexuals be thrown in jail when they know they're violating laws by committing sodomy and other unnatural acts every day? We can't have people violating laws or it would be chaos! Religious Questions. 13. But don't you believe what the Bible says? 14. Isn't homosexuality considered a sin?
Page 5: Anti-Family Questions. 15. Aren't homosexuals out to destroy the family, since they can't have children themselves? 16. Won't homosexuals grow old and lonely without children to take care of them? Who's Gay and How Many are There Questions. Aren't queers all white, middle class, young males who strut around in tank tops and blue jeans? 18. But there aren's really very many "real" queer, are there?
Page 6: Personal Questions. 19. Would you want YOUR child to be gay? Would you want YOUR sister to be a lesbian? If you had a choice, would YOU be homosexual again? 20. Do you think it's fair to your parents, your children, your family, your friends, for you to be openly homosexual? 21. Why can't homosexuals just be private about what they do - why do you all have to FLAUNT your sexuality?


Pacific Centre Speakers Bureau


Arthur Leahy Collection




Digitising these community resources in a publicly accessible digital archive can be seen as fair dealing and reasonable use of these materials (as defined in the 2000 Irish Copyright Act) and in keeping with the ethos and purpose with which they were produced. In addition to this, Permission to Use has also been granted by the owners of the collections and by the relevant community organisations. Items in this digital archive are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No-Derivatives License. Please credit Cork LGBT Archive and provide a link back to this site.






Questions and answers






Pacific Centre Speakers Bureau, “Pacific Center Speakers Bureau Frequently Asked Questions And Suggested Responses Set E,” Cork LGBT Archive, accessed June 17, 2024,