The Frontline Issue 4


Dublin Core


The Frontline Issue 4


AIDS periodicals
AIDS education
AIDS (Disease)
HIV (Viruses)
HIV-positive people
Health care for LGBTQ+ people
HIV tests


The Frontline magazine, Issue 4, dated February 1990. Front cover displays The Frontline banner/slogan. Main image is of a love heart with a caption that reads, "At the heart of the matter at Valentine's time". Cover lines (advertising stories and features inside) reads, "the red tape that surrounds travel / sex, spirituality and hiv / PEP-talk / keeping Health your aim". Inside cover provides information about the Irish Frontliners, "an organisation which supports people with HIV, ARC, and AIDS irrespective of Race, Sexual Orientation, Gender or Religious beliefs."

Page 3 is "Editorial" and contains a list of figures for total number of full blown AIDS cases to date, total number of AIDS-related deaths to date, breakdown of cases, breakdown of AIDS related deaths, total HIV-positive individuals, and breakdown of groups. States at end of page, "These figures speak for themselves! David Esson, Editor." Also provides information about the magazine: "THE FRONTLINE is produced by the Irish Frontliners, 13 Christchurch Place, Dublin 8 531129. Editor: David Esson Design: Joe O'Herlihy Printer: Plusprint, Glasnevin Industrial Estate, Dublin."

Page 4 is "Newsbriefs". Mentions that, "The IV International conference for people with HIV and AIDS will take place in Madrid, Spain, from 23-27 May 1990." Notes that, "The slogan for the IV International inference is 'Another Face of HIV and AIDS". Contains a piece about the Irish government's failed response to fund AIDS Action Alliance and the intervention by the World Health Organisation (WHO) with "a generous donation". Another piece refers to an article in Evening Herald on 30th January, 1990 about "the new drug, DDI [...] will be available soon in Britain." Also contains a "final farewell" message honouring Joe, "a well respected member of the Dublin Body Positive group, who died from an Aids-related illness."

Page 5 is "Rat's Tales" and contains a comic storyboard entitled "Find the Government's Information Campaign - a board game..."

Pages 6 and 7 is an article by Geoff Cooling and Mark Whelan entitled "Making your Health your Aim". Lists points to consider in how to keep yourself healthy: catching infections early, rest, exercise, weight loss, diet and quitting recreational drugs. References Dr. Luc Montagnier, the man who discovered HIV, who "insistently states that "AIDS does not inevitably lead to death, especially if you suppress the cofactors that support the disease. It simply isn't true that the virus is one hundred percent fatal. If you sleep regularly, avoid alcohol, coffee & tobacco, your immune system could resist the disease".

Pages 8 and 9 are an article by Dave Esson entitled "Travel". Discusses the mandatory screening of tourists for HIV in some countries, travel vaccinations and the risk from live vaccines, problems of getting treatment if ill, and hygiene/standards of cleanliness in "less developed countries".

Page 10 is continued from previous page and is a list of countries with information about HIV screening/testing for foreign visitors.

Page 11 is an article by Joseph P Sinnott entitled "PEP~talk" with a subheading that read, "A look at one of the experimental drugs currently under investigation in America, Peptide T". Mentions that, "A preliminary trial using Peptide T on people with ARC and AIDS has apparently shown promising results in the USA."

Page 12 and 13 is an article by Nick Bamforth (Author of "The Healer Within") entitled "Sex, Spirituality and HIV".

Page 14 is "Letters".
Page 15 (inside back cover) provides information about Frontliners.
Back cover reads, "Subscribe" and includes a subscription form.


Irish Frontliners


Arthur Leahy Collection




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Irish Frontliners, “The Frontline Issue 4,” Cork LGBT Archive, accessed June 17, 2024,