GMFA FuckSheet Issue Number 48


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GMFA FuckSheet Issue Number 48


AIDS (Disease)
HIV (Viruses)
HIV-positive persons
AIDS periodicals
LGBTQ+ periodicals
Gay survivors of rape
AIDS education
HIV tests
Safer sex
Rape/non-con (Content warning)


GMFA Fucksheet, issue Number 48, dated April 1999. The journal of Gay Men Fighting AIDS (GMFA).
Page 1: First article entitled, "Love & Respect Hijacks Valentine's Weekend". Subheading reads "GMFA's Love & Respect campaign successfully hijacked Valentine's weekend in much of London's gay scene in its bid to raise gay men's self-esteem." States that, "[i]t was the "highest-profile single-event media campaign GMFA has ever mounted." Second article is entitled "How could you let it happen to you?" Subheading reads: "GMFA launched another innovative campaign this month - on male rape. Barrie Dwyer reports." (Continued on page 5)
Footer provides an address: GMFA Unit 42, Eurolink Centre, 49 Effra Road, London SW2 1BZ.
Page 2, first piece is entitled: "Huge Drop in AIDS Cases, But Rise in Numbers Testing HIV Positive". States that, "Statistics of the month reveals that fewer gay men tested +ve last year than any year in the 1990s". Includes bar chart graphs of numbers developing AIDS in 1998, numbers testing positive and HIV prevalence. Second piece is entitled "Directors News: Boring but Important." Mentions that "John Hanson was elected to the Board of Directors in March."
Third piece is entitled "Highlights from the Articles of Association of the company. The first of a series." Proceedings at General Meetings.
Page 3: First piece is entitled "Tell Them Why You're Telling Them". Discusses Positive Campaign Group (the group that works for +ve men) and two new advertising campaigns this month. Second piece is entitled "Why Do You Volunteer" and subheading reads, "Julie Dockrell is this issue's unlikely subject. How does a married woman find being a GMFA volunteer? Richard Harding finds out."
Page 4: article entitled "Is this the end of Safer Sex Group?" John Hanson reports.
Page 5: article entitled "How could you let it happen to you?" (continued from page 1)
Page 6-7: article entitled "Your cut out and keep guide to Directors Coordinators and Staff.
Page 8-9: article entitled "Death, risk, class".
Page 10-11: article entitled,"Love and Respect - how was it for you?"
Page 12 is entitled "Pin Ups" and lists information about regular meetings, Pagan HIV & AIDS network, Freedom Fair, Hampsted Heath, Gay Youth Group in Tower Hamlets, Events and a job advertisement for a Director of Fundraising for Eddie Surman Trust.


The journal of Gay Men Fighting AIDS (GMFA)


Arthur Leahy Collection




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2017. A


United Kingdom


The journal of Gay Men Fighting AIDS (GMFA), “GMFA FuckSheet Issue Number 48,” Cork LGBT Archive, accessed June 17, 2024,